Friday, December 12, 2008


First of all!!! I love #10 OMG! he is SOOO cute!! LOL
I had A Blast!!! It was a really cool experience!! I didn't like Hockey, I mean I had never been to a game. But know that I actually got to go to a game. All I can say is WOW!! It was really cool!!!
They are really good!! too.
Omg!! I couldn't stop laughing the whole time that we were at the food court!! It was soo Fun! And then we were just wondering around the mall for like 5 hours!! That was ok.. Then finally we went to the Park and we had lots of fun there! We played freeze tag like for an hour!! :D, that was soo much fun too!! After that we finally got to go to the Toyota Center to watch the Game! And we got a tour all around the Toyota Center, and the most cool thing happen I got to see all the hockey players really close to me!! And there I saw My #10 ♥!!!!!! OMG!! he is sooo amazing. I fell in Love!! J/K LOL!
I was then soo excited for the game to start, and the game finally started like around 7:05pm, and I got to see My #10 again!! It was really cool because Cody got to participate, to see if he would break the ice of a T- shirt from the AEROS ,and then take his shirt off and put the AEROS shirt on! Unfortunately he didn't win, but it was still really cool that he got to participate. But what was most shocking to see, was watching 2 hockey players get in a fight!!! I was like OMG!! The good thing is that the guy from the AEROS beat up the other dude from the the FLAMES! LOL!
Well yeah that is all I can say!! It was awesome!!! :D