Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rock- On!!

Well first of all, It was really fun!! working on this project!! Coming up with the name Panic! Panda was really cool because, there is actually a Mexican band called Panda. And they play Punk Rock music like us, so we decided on choosing Panic! Panda, as our band's name. Sean- Michael and Cristian work really hard, they were alot of help!! :D
Product/ Service Management- Cristian designed our logo for the band! That was really Awesome!!
Distribution- We did Posters and plus we were sponsor by Volcom. They have shirts, shoes, jeans, backpacks, and even cellphone covers.
Selling- We would cell our CDs at many convenient stores. Like Walmart, Target, Best Buy, and of course Volcom!
Marketing- Information Management- We have our Wiki page where people can go and tell us what they think about our Band. And that's how we get to know what people Like an Dislike about us!!
Financing- Our company Sony budgets for our own marketing activities and they even loan us money for whatever new idea or thing we come up with.
Pricing- Our tickets prices are really affordable for anyone. The highest they can get is like about $30.00. Really affordable and Cool!!!! :D I mean come on, I think people would even pay the triple of our original price to see us!!!
Promotion- We have posters, Radio Commercials and plus our Sponsor Volcom, promotes us a lot by playing our music at all the stores and having pictures of the band and our main logo of Panic! Panda.
This project was kind of difficult but throughout every obstacle we had, my group and I were able to obercome obsticles and get it done!!! LOL :D


♥T-DIEP said...

This is very detailed! It seems like you did a lot!

s34n said...

I HATE THIS!!!!!!!! LOL JK playa great reveiw of our group's project

cristiano said...

this is crazy u n thien-song wrote a lot but i like it crazy details aswell

we had a razy time doing this project but we had fun!!

Luis DeLeon said...

thats good that each one of you did a different job. yalls work looks good. And i also know the mexican band that your talking about, that band is kool.